We take care of your stuff
Hos Computopic tilbyder vi hosting af websites, databaser, mail og domæner på vores højtydende cluster. Vi hoster også vores egne PaaS- og SaaS-platforme. Vores servere står på Frederiksberg og i Skanderborg. Vi hoster en del større løsninger, så ring endelig og hør, hvad vi kan hjælpe med.
Hvis du har brug for hosting af et WordPress-website, har vi en særlig WordPress-hosting-service, der bl.a. inkluderer løbende sikkerhedsopdateringer af websitet.
Worth knowing

It is very important for us to have operational reliability, therefore almost all parts of our setup are redundant. Furthermore, we have multiple locations between which we can move traffic loads if the situation demands it. We utilize 2 independent fiberlines. All our systems are monitored 24/7 and problems are rectified immediately.

Managed service
To further highten operational reliability most of our services are managed, meaning that only qualified employees perform changes in our customers' systems.

We backup everything once a day on two independent backup solutionswhich are location at to different geographic locations.

The data center
The auditing firm Ernst & Young performs an ISAE3402review. The data center meets the demands for Tier 2.
Lite Hosting
Apache with PHP & MySQL
FTP access
1 GB storage
Free traffic up to 50 GB pr. month
Website statistics
10 e-mail accounts
2 GB pr. mailbox
Unlimited e-mail aliases
Virus and spam filter
Pro Hosting
Apache with PHP & MySQL
FTP access
5 GB storage
Free traffic up to 500 GB pr. month
Website statistics
50 e-mail accounts
10 GB pr. mailbox
Unlimited e-mail aliases
Virus and spam filter
Let's have a look together
If you have any questions about the product, would like documentation or need something specific do not hesitate to contact us - we can find a solution together.
If you need a little extra for your hosting you can add extra services.
Extra storage
Få f.eks. 10 GB ekstra plads på din server for 112 kr. eks. moms.
Dedicated server
Get a dedicated server with possibilities for lots of fine-tuning for your exact project.
Let's have a look together
Har du spørgsmål til produktet, eller behov for noget helt specifikt, så kontakt os, og lad os sammen finde en løsning til dig.